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Religious Leaders Kick Against Violence, Hate Speech And Vote Buying



Eniola Olayemi


Spiritual leaders in the country have been asked to use their positions to promote peace and educate their congregation ahead of the 2019 elections.

This call came on Thursday in Lagos at a gathering of Christian/Muslim/Religious leaders on a one-day preparatory conference on Inter-religious and inter-domination weekend of prayers for a Non-violent 2019 General Elections in Nigeria.

The conference which had the support of the United States Consulate in Lagos was moderated by broadcast-journalist and CEO of Aledeh Media Network, Sulaiman Aledeh.

The religious leaders, at the conference, urged clerics to speak out against the ills of hate speech, vote buying and election violence.

Various panellists in the programme urge Nigerians to shun tribalism and sentiments as the country goes to the polls while biting in the right candidate for the available positions.

Similarly, they admonished the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct free and fair elections in February and ensure that all electoral offenders are punished according to the laws of Nigeria.

In addition, they called for prayers as the nation goes to the polls, urging Christians to do so on February 10th.

For the Muslims, they should also observe Juma’at prayers for the country on February 8th with an inter-faith rally on February 9th.

Clerics and stakeholders at the conference include: Bishop Emma Gospel Isong, Imam Abdul Onike, Apostle Ojei Uloma, Dr Mustapha Bella, Bishop Matthew Daniels, Sheikh Abdurahman Ahmad, Imam Faud Adeyemi, Bishop Asekoya Wale, Ojo Owolabi, Pastor Gabriel Oshoma, Sheikh Abdurahman Sulaiman Adangba, amongst others.