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Alleged Scandals: Apostle Suleman’s Wife Goes Spiritual Against Blackmailers



Marriages, sometimes, do crumble under the weight of worldly trials. When this happens, men are found emotionally and spiritually abandoned by wives who are spiritually unequipped to give their support through the difficult waters their husbands are destined to face. However, Reverend Lizzy Suleman, wife of Apostle Johnson Suleman, the general overseer of the Omega Fire Ministries (OFM), is giving a unique example of a woman who confronts and conforms to the Bible’s perspective of trials and the wives’ role in leading their husbands through them.


Apostle Suleman, obviously, is one of the prominent servants of God in Nigeria who constantly fall victim to abuses and blackmails, and allegations that utterly have remained unproven. However, for Reverend Lizzy, any relationship that is meant to last forever takes dedication and commitment. She avers that wives, especially, must make their marriages great and strive to make them better, no matter the circumstances.


While giving Bible teachings themed ‘Factors That Fight Prophecy’, on Tuesday August 2, 2022, at the Ministry’s headquarters in Auchi, Edo State, Reverend Lizzy Suleman addressed wicked gossips that often trail servants of God, citing the experience of her hubby to whom she has been married for two decades.


According to Reverend Lizzy, spreading harmful gossip about servants of God undermines the work God is doing in and through their ministries. Wicked rumours plant seeds of doubt, mistrust, and rebellion that take root and bear poisonous fruits, adding that; the way people gossip about men of God sometimes makes their wives question whether staying in marriages is worth it. “Nonetheless”, she counsels, spouses of pastors must guide their minds and guard their marriages against Satan’s attacks.


“When they were saying all kinds of nonsense against papa (Apostle Johnson Suleman) on social media recently, the Holy Ghost whispered to me, He said; “Listen, as they are dragging him, go to the secret place and drag them also. Drag them to the court where there is no appeal. I am the greatest judge. And I am resolute; no force from hell can stop or slow down my husband, the Restoration Apostle,” she declared.

Suggesting that the serial attacks on her husband’s personality are pointedly targeted at her marriage, Reverend Lizzy Suleman says she is very well on guard for gossipers, believing that marriage is a treasure in the eyes of God, which, she adduces, is the reason Satan is making efforts to create disunity between husband and wife and causing believers and non-believers alike to question God’s good design for marriages.


“Satan’s first language is deceit, creating doubts in marriages,” Reverend Lizzy warns while she enthuses that; “Prayer is a vital role in fighting for sweet marriages, It is a weapon Satan cannot stand up to. Prayer aligns your actions with God’s will.”