Breaking: Creative Miracles Climax Grace Nation Prophetic and Deliverance Service As young Man linked to Famous Ibadan Pastor Vomit Bird

Grace Nation International aka Liberation city is a Church where the Power of God dwells, like many will testify that Grace Nation is not an ordinary church but the movement of Holy spirit where the Raw Power of God works miracles and wonders for those that believes in Elohim, therefore some faithful also declared that in Grace Nation International aka Liberation City every service is a plus for all of us.
The Prophetic and Celebration service of Grace Nation on the 8th January 2022 was like any other service, though a plus as usual but the mighty hand of God can down in a mighty dimension and delivered a young man whom we will not like to mention his name, This young man who confirm to be number 2 in ranking to one famous Ibadan controversial Man of God that always claimed that he is the christ of this Generation, the young man was prayed for and delivered by the Generational Prophet of God, Dr Chris Okafor and the young Man vomitted a bird during deliverance.
In his testimony, the young man said he located Grace Nation through divine direction, he said though his boss was informed that he visited another church and his boss instructed his fellow occult members to bring him to Ibadan for disciplinary action but rather he decided to escaped down to Grace Nation because he is determined to give his life to Christ, He was fully delivered. Therefore his life will never remain the same again.
Early in his sermon, with the theme “The Mystery Of Obedience” The Lead Pastor of Grace National better known as the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor emphasised that as a child of God, if you obey the voice of God and follow up the concept of Obedience things will work in your favour and you become successful in whatever you do in Life
To be obedience is to Harken to instruction and when you obey instruction breakthrough become visible upon your life.
Earlier also the realms of the prophetic move as ever before, God exposes plan by the strong one in many family and in attempt to renew evil bondage as the new year begins, God also uses his servant the Apostle of altars to destroy many evil altars that has been keeping people, while the case file of some barren woman were visited as God blesses them with Miracle babies, Twins and Triplets all to the Glory of God…..