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Breaking: Nigeria ranks 144/180 on TI’s corruption perception index



Even with President Muhammadu Buhari’s fight against corruption, Nigeria, today  was among countries ranked highest in corruption practices by Transparency International. The country in a graphical representation scored 27 over 100, and was ranked 144/180 countries studied. Somalia, a country located at Sub-Saharan Africa was listed as the highest country with the highest corruption report. It scored 10 over 100 and was raked 180 out of 180 countries analyzed. However, Denmark, a country located at Western Europe & European Union scored 88 over 100 and was ranked 1st and the best country with a ‘No’ or little corruption report. We don’t have money to dash out but infrastructural facilities, says President Buhari Nigeria was placed in the same rank with Comoros, Guatemala, Kenya and Mauritania. The five countries scored 27/100, and was awash with the same rank, 144/180. The Transparency International analysis reveals corruption contributing to a global crisis of democracy. “With many democratic institutions under threat across the globe – often by leaders with authoritarian or populist tendencies and protect citizens’ rights,” said Patricia Moreira, Managing Director of Transparency International. “Corruption chips away at democracy to produce a vicious cycle, where corruption undermines democratic institutions and, in turn, weak institutions are less able to control corruption.” The 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released today by Transparency International reveals that the continued failure of most countries to significantly control corruption is contributing to a crisis of democracy around the world. The 2018 CPI draws on 13 surveys and expert assessments to measure public sector corruption in 180 countries and territories, giving each a score from zero (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). More generally, countries with high levels of corruption can be dangerous places for political opponents. Practically all of the countries where political killings are ordered or condoned by the government are rated as highly corrupt on the CPI. Cross analysis with global democracy data reveals a link between corruption and the health of democracies. Full democracies score an average of 75 on the CPI; flawed democracies score an average of 49; hybrid regimes – which show elements of autocratic tendencies – score 35; autocratic regimes perform worst, with an average score of just 30 on the CPI. To make real progress against corruption and strengthen democracy around the world, Transparency International calls on all governments to:   strengthen the institutions responsible for maintaining checks and balances over political power, and ensure their ability to operate without intimidation; close the implementation gap between anti-corruption legislation, practice and enforcement; support civil society organisations which enhance political engagement and public oversight over government spending, particularly at the local level; support a free and independent media, and ensure the safety of journalists and their ability to work without intimidation or harassment.