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In the hushed halls of academia, amidst the echoing whispers of ambition and the resonating footsteps of success, Dr. Israel Ovirih stood as a beacon of relentless determination and scholarly prowess. From the day he first stepped into the academic arena, his thirst for knowledge and unwavering dedication set him on a trajectory of remarkable achievement, culminating in a resounding triumph as a valedictorian turned doctorate awardee in Business Administration from Ondo State University, Ado-Ekiti, (now Ekiti State University)

Dr. Israel Ovirih’s academic odyssey commenced with an insatiable curiosity and an unyielding commitment to excel. As a young scholar in Economics, he astounded his peers and mentors alike with an exceptional aptitude for grasping intricate concepts and an unparalleled work ethic that set him apart from his contemporaries.

His journey to becoming a valedictorian was paved with countless late nights spent poring over textbooks, collaborating on research projects, and delving into the depths of knowledge that Economics and Business Administration offered. Dr. Israel Ovirih’s intellectual fervor was matched only by his humility and willingness to learn from every challenge encountered along the way.

Upon ascending to the summit of his undergraduate studies, Dr. Israel Ovirih’s thirst for knowledge remained unquenchable. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of excellence, he ventured into the realm of post graduate education pursuing an MPhil/PhD in Economics at the University of Lagos under the tutelage and supervision of famed Economist, Dr. Kayode Familoni. Unfortunately, career progressions at the then Oceanic Bank and GTBank hampered the completion of the University of Lagos program. Israel’s relentless dedication to understanding the intricacies of business finance, combined with an innate knack for strategic thinking, positioned him as a trailblazer among his peers.

The pursuit and subsequent award of an honorary doctorate in Business Administration was no mere ambition for Dr. Israel Ovirih; it was a testament to his unwavering commitment to expand the horizons of knowledge in the field of Economics, Finance and Business Administration. As a serial entrepreneur, Dr. Israel Ovirih level of illuminations no doubts shed new lights on innovative methodologies, disruptive technologies and strategies that redefine conventional business paradigms in Nigeria and beyond.


Dr. Israel Ovirih’s journey was not solely about academic accolades; it was a testament to resilience, perseverance, and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of education. He embraced challenges as opportunities for growth, displaying an unflinching determination to surmount obstacles that would deter the faint-hearted.

In 2014/15 he set up a Banklink Africa Tech-Hub in Opebi, Lagos housing over six (6) tech-startups including 3DMarkey – Africa’s first commercial 3D printing hub. This is aside the 3D printing center funded by him in the Bay Area, Houston, Texas USA.

Dr. Israel’s unrepentant romance with the world of technology and finance in the United States (having completed his entrepreneurship program at the MIT Sloan School of Business in 2014) further exposed him to becoming a thought leader and public speaker in a number of Universities in Nigeria and across Sub-Sahara Africa; where no one doubts his depth in entrepreneurship, finance and business administration. In all his scholarly presentation, he literally became and Evangelist, reinforcing the message of town and gown partnerships, alliances, handshakes and continued collaborations. Dr. Israel Ovirih is an avowed believer in the school of thought that the future of Africa would remain bleak without such sustainable marriage of the town and gown.

As he stood at the pinnacle of his academic journey, adorned with the coveted doctoral hood freely given and awarded by his alma mater, Dr. Israel Ovirih radiates confidence and profound humility. His valedictory address of July, 1989 still resonates not only scholarly wisdom but sincerity of a scholar who understand the value of knowledge in shaping Africa’s brighter future.

His journey from valedictorian to a doctorate in Business Administration served as an inspiration, not just to aspiring academics, business leader and policy maker, but to all who dare to dream and persistently strive for excellence. Dr. Israel Ovirih’s story stands as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the limitless potential that lies within each individual willing to traverse the path of relentless pursuit of knowledge.