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International Muslim Women Body Frowns At Conspiracy Against Kashmiris, Palestinians



International diplomacy as championed by the United Nations has been
barking without biting the offensive fingers and the conspiracy of silence
amongst members of the UN Security council goes to tell the subtle
approval of the aggression and genocidal oppression on Kashmiris,
Palestinians etc.
In a Press Statement sent across its members around the world including Nigeria,  the International Muslim Women Union (IMWU) thus stand in solidarity
with all the oppressed Muslims particularly the Kashmiris today February 5,
while we condemn in the greatest terms the evil perpetrated on our
brethren in Jammu and Kashmir for no just cause.
The decision of the Indian government to revoke Article 370 is a phase in
the long history of the oppression and the consequent aggression isn’t the
first. The state of Jammu and Kashmir was stripped of the autonomy it was
granted for joining the Indian Union in 1947 by the decree which revokes
Article 370.
Article 370 of Indian’s constitution grants special rights to the Muslimmajority state of Jammu and Kashmir. This include the right to its own
constitution and autonomy to make laws on all matters except defense,
communications and foreign affairs.
Since the decree was passed, the region had been under lockdown. 15
million people of Kashmir were under curfew for two weeks. One million
Indian Army suppressed them in all ways. They killed, tortured, kidnapped,
raped, arrest and detained innocent Kashmiris. The region has been turned
into an open jail.
The imperialistic aggression occasioned by the revocation of Article 370 on
August 5, 2019 has further made it abundantly clear that the Indian state
does not regard the Kashmiris as human beings capable of standing alone
nor being able to rule themselves. Indian government and the United
Nation should note that this is not acceptable by any standard, resistance
and struggle will thus continue until Kashmiris are treated as human and
are granted freedom for self-rule.
The inconsequential condemnation by the United Nations; barking without
biting is old fashioned, depressing and no longer acceptable by the women
of the Muslim world.
By the laws and reasons that established the United Nations agency for
justice, the International Criminal Court (ICC), Narendra Modi Indian Prime
Minister, should not be walking freely, he deserves to be arraigned for
crimes against humanity. Modi is clutching the people of Jammu and
Kashmir at the jugular and is bent on snuffing life out of them.

We call on all well-meaning mankind, States and all to stand for the rights
of Kashmiris to live and self-rule. To enjoy human rights and freedom as
guaranteed by the UN statutes, resolutions and declarations of human
At this juncture, we commend the effort of the good people of Gambia led
by their President Adama Barrow at the ICC. Gambia stood against the
subjugation and genocide of the Rohingya Muslims of Rakhine State in
Myanmar. In particular, Gambian Justice Minister, Abubacarr Tambadou
who stood to make a case in the face of the likelihood of being hunted and
clamped by the world powers deserve an award for being passionately
against oppression and genocidal aggression of Aung San Suu Kyi and her
IMWU as an advocate for fairness to and wellness of Muslim women and
her family, demands that Modi must be dragged to the ICC to answer for
his crimes while the UN enforce peace and justice to the people of Jammu
And Kashmir and indeed to all such people around the world.