
The ongoing 3days Spirit and Prosperity conference in oghara Delta state put together by Chris Okafor world outreach ministry in conjunction with Grace Nation international aka Liberation city recorded over 4000 new convert, which indicated that, since the prophetic and deliverance conference, (spirit and prosperity conference) stated this year 2022, Oghara inversion outbreak any other conference in term of surrendering to God,. This is a big testimony, because when God come to town through revival, anything happen, particularly the Kingdom of darkness suffers the consequences the more In his teaching, with Topic THE DIMENSION OF GOD, The convener of Chris Okafor outreach ministry and Senior Pastor Grace Nation International, Dr Chris Okafor said to understand or operates like elohim, you must put some principles in place because God will not just come down to earth except someone invites him through Prayers. The Generational prophet of God also emphasized that the dimension of God is for somebody taking Charge for God on earth, he stated further that God rules in heaven while someone take charge and rules on earth, The man of God asked that why are you a child of God and not get result like Jesus Christ that means you are not getting the role of engagement right, the Kingdom can only be deployed by those who talk to him through Prayers in there secret places. The Oghara spirit and prosperity conference witness spiritual warfare with outstanding Prophetic declaration, Healings and deliverance through God servant Dr Chris Okafor, the good people of Oghara will not forget on time how God uses his servant to heal the land,. There was diverse miracles as the Apostle of altars visited so many altars behind people’s pridicament, he set so many lawful captives free as many alters catches fire depopulating the Kingdom of darkness. Today and tomorrow is another great opportunity for anyone who.miss the previous day, come with your family members and love one to experience first class hand of God through God generational prophet Dr Chris Okafor, because in as much as you are willing to come join God servant Dr Chris Okafor to worship, your life can never be the same