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Theresa May may lose her job today



Lukman Amusa

British Prime Minister Theresa May was hit by a no-confidence motion from her own party on Wednesday over the unpopular Brexit deal she struck with EU leaders last month.

The move plunged her deeper into her biggest crisis since she took office after Britons voted in June 2016 to leave the European Union.

May vowed to fight the challenge inside her own Conservative Party “with everything I’ve got”.

“Weeks spent tearing ourselves apart will only create more divisions,” May said in a statement delivered outside her Downing Street office.

“I stand ready to finish the job.”

A party confidence vote in her leadership is scheduled for Wednesday evening after dozens of Conservative MPs submitted letters calling for one.

That followed her decision to delay a vote on Brexit that she admitted she was certain to lose.

If May is defeated in Wednesday’s party ballot, a leadership election will be held over the coming weeks.

If a new party chief is elected, he or she automatically becomes Britain’s new prime minister.

The fate of both May’s unpopular draft withdrawal agreement and her government are now in the balance with the clocking ticking down to Britain’s March 29 departure from the European Union after 46 years.

May cancelled a cabinet meeting scheduled for Wednesday that had been due to focus on preparations in case Britain leaves the world’s largest single market without any official deal on future trade arrangements.

The pound fell on the first rumours of an imminent leadership challenge on Tuesday evening. It regained the losses once the news became official and May went on national TV to announce she would fight for her job.

The confidence vote was triggered after months of plotting by Brexit-supporting Conservative MPs to collect the minimum 48 letters from MPs necessary to trigger a vote.

The last batch of letters came in after the prime minister, facing a heavy defeat, delayed a parliamentary vote scheduled for Tuesday on her draft withdrawal agreement with Brussels, sparking fury among MPs across party lines.

If May survives Wednesday’s motion, no second one can be brought by her party for another year.

A clutch of top members of her cabinet quickly rallied to her support.

“The last thing our country needs right now is a Conservative Party leadership election,” Home Secretary Sajid Javid tweeted.

Javid himself has been mentioned as a possible replacement for May.

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who has also disagreed with May over her Brexit strategy, wrote on Twitter: “I am backing @theresa_may tonight.”

But MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, one of Britain’s most prominent opponents of the EU, said it was “time for Mrs May to resign”.

The British leader toured European capitals on Tuesday in an attempt to salvage her Brexit arrangements, after MPs savaged its provisions on the issue of the Irish border.

May said she wanted “assurances” from EU leaders that if Britain ever entered the so-called “backstop” customs arrangement for the border, this would only be “temporary”.