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Threat to life: Ughegbe is cheap blackmailer, Police invited us too – Premiere Academy Management



The management of Premiere Academy has called on the public to disregard the blackmail launched against the school by one Lemmy Ughegbe, a so called activist, following the death of Miss Keren Akpagher, a student of the school, who passed away in the custody of her mother last June.
Reacting to a statement issued by the said activist, purporting “a threat to life”, the management wondered how a police invitation for him to shed light on his many shocking claims on Keren’s death amounts to “a threat to life”.
Based on the web of lies he has fed the public over this innocent child’s death, the police similarly invited the school authorities to state our own side of the story. We did not raise alarm and allege threat to life. Instead, we honoured the police invitation and provided a step by step account, with documented evidence, including CCTV footage, of Keren’s last days in the school, before she was picked up, hale and hearty, by her mother.
Why is it now that it is their turn to shed light on their many allegations so as to help the police find out the truth, they have changed the story to say their lives are being threatened. By whom? The commissioner of police? “
The management dismissed Ughegbe and his sponsors as rabble-rousers, who rather than cooperate with the police as Premiere Academy management has painstakingly done, seek only to befuddle the public with lies and innuendo.

We have since come to the painful conclusion that these people are not interested in unraveling the truth about Keren’s last days. We are concerned that someone, somewhere may be trying to hide something about the final days of Keren’s life which were spent in the custody of her mother and not in Premiere Academy.
“We are still astounded that a Type 1 diabetic child who left our premises hale and hearty with a normal blood glucose of 114 mg/dl had 48 hours later deteriorated to above 400mg/dl, become delirious and had to be rushed into emergency by her mother. A few hours later she was dead!
” We were shell-shocked by this dramatic turn of events and remain shocked. We call on all well meaning persons to cooperate with the police to unravel the truth and whole truth behind the sad and painful death of Keren, because obviously, there’s more to it than meets the eye.”