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Tinubu Will Only be President in 2023 if he Changes his Negative Agenda -Prophet Ezekiel Odedoyin



Prophet Ezekiel Odedoyin is the general overseer of Christ for All Souls Ministry. Ever since he accepted the calling, God has used him to set the captive free, make the blind to see and also to become a blessing to the needy. In this interview, he revealed his life experience, how he was called and some of the challenges.


As the brain behind Christ for All Soul Ministry, can you briefly tell us about you and how the ministry started?

I want to give grace and honour unto the name of the Lord. I am not the brain behind this ministry. I want to give honour to the Almighty God, the owner of this ministry. He is the owner. I want to appreciate him for choosing a mere servant like me. I was just a mere man I never thought of being a Pastor. I never in my life thought of becoming a Pastor. There was a day I had a dream and I met an old man that told me that he wanted to send me an errand, and he said those people, the so-called Pastors have disappointed him. They have honoured themselves instead of him. He said that I should go and preach about his own name. As He was following me, I was speedily moving but he was moving on the air, he wasn’t using his feet to run, he was moving on the air and I laid down, he stretches his hand forth and the fire from the heaven come upon me and ever since then I began to speak in tongues, I began to perform signs and wonders. When the power came and before then I had a revelation where I saw an angel that said he wanted to take me to a place, he said he wanted to show me something. There was a gathering of Pastors, there were many. I saw a beast, when I saw the beast, it was coming one on one and they were killing the beast, the Pastors were killing the beast and I was giving kudos to them. The angel told me to be silent and I remained silent. Later I saw them in multitude, they were many, and when they were coming out, they were tearing them (the Pastors) apart, they were killing all the Pastors and I was baffled and I asked, what is happening? They were killing the pastors, I said God can you save them and he told me that look at them, look at the so-called Pastors they don’t have power. He said you will now go back to the world, go and tell the world that these people don’t have power, they should go and ask for the power to overcome the devil. Power that scatters the gathering of the devil because many of my servants are turning back, they did not look for me. He gave me such a revelation, he now told me that I will send you an errand. You will have to kick against false revelations, false doctrine, you have to tell them to preach about me, to speak about me, and I woke up, I never thought of becoming a Pastor, ever since then when I lay hands upon someone they will begin to speak in tongues, the blind will gain their sight, and the dead will receive the spirit of the living, so many things.

Can you share some of your experience in the cause of ministry?

Let me talk about a few of it. There was a day they brought someone to us on the mountain, she couldn’t walk, they have put incision on his body, they have taken her to several places and when they brought her the Lord told me that look at her, I have healed her and I told her mother, do you believe that God has healed your daughter? I also ask, can you give your life to Jesus? Because the one that called me said the power I gave to you, you have to preach about my name, whenever you want to deliver the people tell them that I am a God of white calling. That was how he appeared to me, as a God of white calling. He said I am the one that created everything and I sent Christ Jesus, you don’t have any other way except through Jesus Christ. He appeared to me on several occasions, and I said in the name of Jesus Christ your daughter stood up and started walking, as I lifted her up, she started walking and people were amazed. He told me that I have just started, on another occasion they brought someone from Ile-Oluji side, he is a young guy of age 30 upward, immediately he graduated and he was about to be deployed to NYSC camp, he ran mad. He has been suffering from chronic madness for more than eight years. They have taken him to several places. When they brought him, they said there was a particular Pastor in our area who had been collecting money without any improvement. I pray for him and I said in the name of Jesus Christ let the spirit of madness leave. Immediately he gained his senses. When they got home, they said whenever he wanted to eat before he could eat a pot of food he would still be demanding for more, and he would not talk but after the deliverance he regained his senses and he could not eat anymore, he started eating small portions of food. I said there was a spirit that was eating through him. Also, there was an occasion where we went for a crusade in Ido Ibadan. There is a popular woman called Bose, she ran mad, it will be 25years of madness, when we were inviting people for the crusade, we met her. She sat beside a big church, a popular one, the Lord told me to look at her, I have healed her, and I moved close to her and I said in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord said He has healed you. You, the spirit of insanity leave. I prayed for her and she said where am I? We are praying for her; she is still in Modakeke now with our area Pastor. On another occasion, a situation happens. One of our members has a son and the son died. They brought him to the mountain dead, he became black, when he died the body changed, when they brought him, the Lord said to me that this work that I have done, then I said in the name of Jesus Christ let the spirit of living enter him. He woke up, the same thing applicable to someone called Bola, I was going to the mountain when I met a corpse, they covered her eyes with a cloth, when I got there, I discovered that she has been dead, they were crying and I asked why, and a prophecy came out, the Lord said ask them whether they believe I can do it. I directed the question to them, the Lord said do you believe that I can do it. And they said if the Lord does it, we will be able to worship him, and I said bring her, when they brought her, I started praying, it is on our page, you will see part of it. I said in the name of Jesus Christ let the spirit of the living come upon her, and it came. Let me talk about two or three, there was someone that had breast cancer, she was rejected from the hospital, the hospital said they should be treating her that she is going to die. I said we normally use the blood of Jesus Christ and I prayed over the water, I said I turn this water to the blood of Jesus Christ. After praying over it I poured the water on her and then the cancer disappeared. We cannot talk about those who have been waiting for the fruit of the womb for long, other miracles such as the kidney transplant, those that their heart has spoilt.

When God called you, did you answer immediately or you faced some challenges before accepting God’s calling?

Let me start by saying this, actually I have been seeing traces that the Lord wants to use me but I am a kind of person who doesn’t like Pastor’s work.

What were you doing before you were called?

I am a graduate of two schools but I don’t like to mention them. I like to talk about Christ, I read Economics during my university days in OAU. I wanted to travel; I was like an agent who processed traveling for people. I do it for people and I have an office where I am doing this. I have secretaries etc.

Are you from Osun state?

I am from Jerusalem because I belong to everybody now. I am from Jerusalem, raised in Nigeria, Yoruba to be precise.

You don’t want people to know your place of birth?

I can only say my parents come from Modakeke (the parents that born me from the flesh).

Before you answer the call, what are the challenges you face?

There was a day when I was in Osogbo, I just discovered that I had a blurred eye, I could not see anything and I do not know what happened. When I started praying, I had a revelation. The Lord told me that I should go to some places. On getting there, I found out it was a teaching hospital, I met a group of people who identified themselves as Corper (NYSC Corp Member). I couldn’t see and they recommended a drug for me. I returned, bought the drug, used it and went back to the Doctor. I couldn’t find the person, the hospital said they couldn’t see the traces of him. I regained my sight later on. I normally see Jesus Christ appear to me in the dream. There was a day I was sleeping when I saw someone come, I could hear people calling Rabbi, Master and he was calling them Peter, Andrew, Matthew. I didn’t know the meaning of Rabbi because I am less concerned about that, I was praying that I want to travel out and you are revealing a revelation about Rabbi or what’s the name. I said I am not interested in that, I slept in my room and the spirit woke me up that I should go outside. I went and sat on a chair, when someone we have stayed together with before came with a cutlass, he wanted to behead me. He had checked me in my room and he couldn’t find me there and he met me outside. As he was about to use the cutlass to behead me, I held the cutlass, it cut my hand and the blood was gushing out. I was rushed to the hospital and I was rejected when we got there. Later one of the hospitals admitted me. They did everything but my hands were not working, when I discovered that I could not use it for anything I was contemplating surgery. I went back to seven days Adventist, they said they would have to work on it but they told me that it is 50-50, that they are not sure, because they have not done such a thing before. I said no problem and Jesus Christ appeared to me that I need not to be worried that the operation would be successful. And then I said let me try OAU teaching hospital, as a federal hospital they should be able to have the required equipment. When I got there, when they saw it, they carried out some tests at their teaching hospital, I told them I could not bend my hands. They also said it is a 50-50 chance, I was asked if I still want them to go ahead with it. I said there is no problem, Christ appeared to me, He said I should not worry, He urged me to go ahead, and I went for that surgery. When I went for it, it lasted for 7 hours, it started by 7, it was around six o clock before they could complete the surgery. Later on, after I woke up, I went to them, they later told me that you have to do amendment surgery because we were unable to finish it, and we only worked on one part, we were unable to finish it, so they put some certain things inside and I was like you said you would finish it why would you put something in my hand. I later realized they said they have never done it before, they want to use me for practice, I carried out the surgery, after three months, I went back they did it, I was able to still bend it but during that time, it was then I started to know that it was God that was calling me. He has been revealing more revelations to me, I started reading the Bible, and in my office, everything started burning, at that time. I processed my Canada Visa, I wanted to travel out, I was also processing for someone as well, they gave him the confirmation letter, he traveled, I was expecting mine since I processed it together, and I had a revelation that you are going nowhere because you have to work for me. They rejected it, I even tried USA because I have someone there. He invited me and I said I will go there, I had an interview by 12pm, I got there around 2 o clock, it was a busy schedule, an incident happened before the interview that I cannot be explaining, I had a revelation also and I saw an old man that came to me, he said look at this Moron, I looked at him and he said this is the person that will reject you, the person will nullify your applications because I don’t want you to go. When I woke up, I started praying, I started canceling the vision, praying against it. When I got there, they interviewed me, I saw the woman and he said this is the woman I showed to you. I saw that she is one of the white women in the Lagos Embassy. I saw the same people I saw in my dream, funny enough, I implicated people after me because they rejected every one of them. She directed a question to me; can we meet you? I introduced myself, she asked, what do you do for a living, I responded, what do you want to do over there? I asked her to repeat herself. And she repeated it, as I answered the question, he just gave me a rejection letter. And I was like cursing her, I was like I will curse, and then the spirit came to me, he said don’t curse her, I used her. I felt somehow. I felt dejected and I returned home. While going home I faced some challenges, my cloth got torn, I was going back to Osun state, I needed to sleep in Ibadan, when I got home I went to the mountain to pray continuously, seeking for God’s face, it was there the man appeared to me that I have been calling you I want to send you an errand, and he revealed a revelation to me, many revelations, sent me to the people, later I now discovered that he sent me to several people, several Prophets, and I said if I had travel to USA I could have been an unprofitable child of God because of many revelations given to me.

You’re known as a travel agent who has had a sports view center, and suddenly they started seeing you as pastor, how was the reaction of people and family members?

Actually, I face a little challenge but I don’t refer to them as challenges. It is just a way to succeed. Before I had certain gifts in me, even right from my secondary days, I used to dream, see revelations etc. Then I didn’t value it. Before then those people knew me as someone who opened a betting center, there were many people that knew me, they knew me as a teacher because I worked as an Educationist, when the incident happened the power came naturally, the power was there but I didn’t know how to use it. But when the power came, I was singing, clapping when the spirit of the Lord came upon me, I began to speak in tongues, prophesy, when I lay hands on people they began to prophesy, they receive healing, the leper was healed and other notable miracles took place. I delivered messages for people, some people kicked against it that this cannot be the power of the Lord but when the spirit came upon me, he said I should go out and challenge every other power, that was how I moved to the market, kicked against their power saying that there is no power in the world, if you have power shoot arrow, we went to the market places, idol places, shrines etc, I challenged their power, preached against the doctrine. Many revelations were revealed to me about top pastors like Orimolade, past leaders, present leaders etc. I received many revelations. There was a problem, they ganged up against us, they used Police money but the Lord was on my side before we got to the Police station the Lord would have been there. They paid DPO, the Lord would hijack the mind of DPO for us, and then in the family, my father is an elder in one church. He is a spirit-filled man but not as filled as I expected because he was like someone who is afraid. When the Lord gave me a message, I used to share it with him for ideas but I received no knowledge from anybody. I normally see some strange creatures like Angel, like the old man I spoke about, the man with white gray hair, you can hardly see his face, he will be talking to me, he will be telling me what to do, if you are explaining something to me about dream, he will take me to your dream, and I will know the dream you are having, I will see everything, when I reveal a revelation to my father, he said this revelation is strong, please don’t curse people, because then if there would be rain and I said Lord there won’t be rain the rain will stop. There was a time we went for a crusade in Ile-Ife and there was a certain set of people who referred to themselves as Ogboni confraternity, and they said we are kicking against them, there is no Ogboni confraternity, there is no witches, there is no devil, in fact there is no fetish, if you have anything challenge me, if you have listened to our interview you could have seen it, when I came to LTV, I said it that if there is anyone who has power he/she should shoot an arrow, that I present my body to the whole world let them shoot an arrow because my Master the one who owns the calling told me that there is no power in heaven and earth except the power of God. That was why I challenged them. My father didn’t instantly accept it, he was like I should be bending it a little bit so that I should not deliver the message. I should let God send those people, and I narrated a scenario to him. I told him that you are my father in this world, if you send me an errand and I tell you to send another person, how would you feel? Not to talk about the creator, the one who owns me before you, so I faced little challenges there, but people quickly come back when they see the natural power of God. We preached the true gospel. We challenged the Obas, I delivered many messages to the Obas. To the traditional rulers, to the Pastors, we touch every ramification of life, because the God of white calling has perfected His work already.

Thank God you said the God of white calling, we have Orthodox, Pentecostal, where do you belong?

I belong to God the creator, the one that created heaven and the earth, when we say God of white calling, He is God without blemish, that is God that created everything. When you talk about Pentecostal, nowadays they are different, we deliver messages to them. Many of them now focus on worldly things. They want to achieve many things; they want to be where God does not put them. They have gone astray. The creator of heaven and earth came to me and said you are going to go against false doctrine. He said they are proclaiming themselves; they do not proclaim me (God). He said kick against anybody, we should not use any other name except the name of Jesus as it has been written in the book of Philippian chapter 2 vs 9, that we all shall exhaust him, and that as we mention the name of the Lord every knee shall bow. When he told me he said look at those people, we are different from Celestial, this white garment only Pastor wears in our church, you can see the way we sew it. It is very different, we have our own doctrine, he gave us the commandment, in our church. There are some certain things you should not do, there are certain things you must do. Soul winning is the work he gave to us, he said when you deliver them, introduce me to them, any member of this calling is assigned some certain gifts by the Lord, you can heal, you can pray for the people, you can challenge witches, it is for every member once you join the ministry. When I say we have our own doctrine, in this calling you should not commit adultery, if you commit adultery the angel of God will come to you and suspend you, and you will be punished, that’s all. No matter how big you are, we have some certain Pastors in our church before you have been seeing them as a Pastor but they have been suspended. When you see Pastors that leave our church they have been suspended because they cannot go with the law given to us by Christ himself which states that you should not lie, when you refer to yourself as a Pastor and you are committing adultery. Recently, a case happened, a Pastor slept with a church member, we suspended him, and he left the church, immediately you are suspended the angel of the Lord will appear to you and withdraw the gifts given to you, in our church you should not speak when the Lord is not speaking, we center on the voice of the Lord, if the Lord call me home now, the church doesn’t belong to me, my family will not inherit anything from the church. I am a Pastor but I didn’t collect a kobo from the church but we have those who are collecting money, we have many of us who work part time, it is the Lord that is paying me, and I am paying my tithe but the Lord has a way of doing it for me, you should not speak when the Lord is not speaking, and when the Lord send you an errand you must be able to know that the Lord of white calling is with you. He will always go after you, that is the difference between us, we can go to the market, we can challenge witches, the devil, go anywhere and say there is no other power except the power of the Lord.

How would you describe your life before the calling and after the calling?

What I can only say is that the one you know before has died for a long. When I became a Pastor, many of my friends ran away because I will introduce Christ to you. I was wayward then, I was a rapist, I was a fornicator before, right from childhood I detest drinking, it was when I got to higher institution before I started womanizing. I didn’t like it before, I was involved in examination mal-practices because I will write exams for people. I do such a thing before to make ends meet, but when I met Christ, I became another thing. The difference is clear, I could not challenge the witches then, I cannot speak anything about Christ, I cannot even speak to you, I was a cool-headed guy then but now I have become another thing, I have become what Christ want me to become, then I like ladies before, I used to womanize, I need money then but now God is doing everything for me. I focus on Christ only. You are my friend if you give your life to Jesus Christ, that is the only friend I have, even though there are some certain sets of people when we started this ministry I delivered a message about Moses Orimolade, the message didn’t go well with them, they ganged up, prayed against me that the Lord should kill me, they were 100 Prophets then because one of them came out to confess. When they were praying against me an old man appeared to them, he scattered them and one of them came to confess. When we were in Modakeke then there was a Chief hunter called Oluode by name, he wanted to establish a church there, and we rented an apartment with the intention of launching a church there, we never knew that they were worshiping devil there, I mean gods of iron, they will pour oil. he will face the church and be shooting gun there, I went there to meet the Pastor, when I met them, he was saying he will reveal to us that he is an herbalist. I told him that the God of white calling is more powerful, and I said let the god of white calling appear to him, and he will prove to you that he is the God of white calling. And the Lord cleared both of them within a few times. So many people like that calling my name and the Lord will appear to them, then I do not have such a power, no one confronted me before, I have a new life now I preach to the people. I became a father to people, even to my colleague, to the elders. I became a father to them because I have someone who is dwelling in me. Let me share a revelation of how the Lord appeared to me. I slept and I dreamt that there were shouting and there was a messenger from heaven that appeared. I saw some ministers, and I was like how could the messenger of the Lord appear without informing me. I was saying it in the dream that I am a President, they were supposed to have informed me, and I was running to the place, when I got there, I met millions of Pastors, I couldn’t count them, I looked up to see a giant man. If they merge every one of us who are there together compared to the man, we cannot reach half of the man. I looked at him and said are you the one they referred to as a messenger of God? He didn’t answer, I said if truly you are the messenger of God sent to this world and I didn’t know you showed up, tell me what is happening in heavenly kingdom? He didn’t answer me, and he stood up, and came down, what baffled me was that when he stepped on the ground everywhere was shaking, it looked as if there was going to be an earthquake because he will be digging the ground, as he was coming, he was using his back hand to shake the so-called Pastors. Many of them were using the back hand to shake themselves. I was like what is this type of greeting, I said this is occult greeting, and I wanted to leave the place when I saw him, he was giving them herbs, teaching them how to use it, I said you are not an angel of God, and I was going when two people that were like angel although not too tall, both stood before me and didn’t allow me to go, I said let me go, they said I will not go, I said what is the matter? What have I done? They said I have offended their master, and I asked, who is your master? They said I should look back, when I looked back, I saw the former one that I saw before. I looked at him and asked, in what way have I offended you? He said I am giving the glory meant for him to another person, I asked who are you? Are you Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Were you the one killed on the cross? He said he will prove it to me, then I said Jesus, they said stop, don’t mention that name here, they were closing their ears, they didn’t want to hear the name. I said allow me to go, as I called the presence of the creators, fire came down and they disappeared, and the Lord told me that’s how many people got their power. The angels of darkness appeared to be the angels of God. They gave me revelations that made me different, before something happens the Lord will show me. He will reveal many things to me. I hear from the Lord through my ears, see through my eyes, and I used various channels to connect to God.

God’s work also needs funding, how do you source funds?

I want to thank God. Out of the doctrine given to us there is a particular one that says we should not do fundraising. We should not force people and in the church if you want to contribute there is a box for you to drop money, you should not show-off, if you are doing something, you are doing it for God not me. It is God that has been backing us. God is so merciful, let me share a scenario with you. Before I answered the question properly, when I got to the ministry there was nothing, everything was scattered, I went to the mountain and I was praying that Lord I want to eat and there is nothing to eat, and he said he will provide for me. There was a time someone called me, he is very close to me, then I received authority, I didn’t know how to use it, when you call me, I say Lord declare money into his account, that was what I used to do until the Lord revealed some certain revelations to me. Someone called me from Ilorin, many do call like that and I will say the Lord should declare money into their accounts and it will be so. I was just using the power anyhow. The man called and I said I am a student, and I said may the Lord surprise you, money should go into your account, a lot of people were giving me money, a day comes when someone called me, he said Pastor please pray for me that the Lord will increase my work, he said he needed money, and I said father in Jesus name, Lord declare, and immediately the Lord opened my eyes, I saw him using black soap to bath, I asked him what do you do for a living, he said yahoo yahoo (internet fraud), I said you are doing yahoo and you have the guts to call me, and I said your life will spoil, he said that’s how Pastors used to do. They call them, and they get prayers, I said I am different, there are many things you can do and God will enrich you. He enriched those doing legit business, emulated them, when the ministry began the Lord started to bless certain people and they started coming in. Those that the Lord ministers to show up to bless the church voluntarily. Nobody forces them. recall the creator said we should not collect a kobo, if I pray for you now and you want to give me something I will not collect it. You can only do it when the Lord blesses you. And after he ministers to you to go and bless me. The Lord has been increasing us, people come from different places to enrich the purse of the church, we also have those working among us.

Everybody is complaining about Nigeria, the President, do you foresee anything good for Nigeria especially in 2023. Did God tell you anything about the state of the nation?

I want to say this we have released so many revelations because part of this ministry is based on prophecy, if you have been following us you will see that we release messages, prophecies etc. Nigeria is a great country, to be precise, God knows about that but the forefathers of this country had a covenant with the devil, majority of those who have been leading seek and collect from the devil and devil need to take something in return. That is what we don’t know. Majority of them came to power by quick win, by shedding blood, they killed many people, and they need to give back to where they took from, before Buhari came to power, I released a message between Buhari and his opponent, God didn’t choose anyone of them, and I said your leaders will choose for you. Irrespective of anyone that wins Nigerians should expect sufferings, that was what the Lord told me, and we released it then, later on we prayed to God and the Lord said, they need to move closer to him, but our leaders don’t know God, if you want God to intervene you call him, Nigeria will be great again, we spoke about this country being divided and I said it is not yet time, many will die in the process of dividing the nation, the Lord said they will use their blood for sacrifice because it is not yet time for this country to be divided, the Lord is still going to avenge the death of many people, many of the Activist would be killed, locked up while some would survived, we have released the prophecy before, many are fight for the cause while some are fighting for their purse, we released the message 2020 which says that there would be calamities, various diseases, sicknesses would showed up, the prophecy is in two phases, first, the Lord said he will bless those who run after him, he is going to reward many, there are lot of calamities in the world, most politicians would be removed throughout the federation.

Will Tinubu be the next President in 2023?

I will answer the question in two phases because of what the Lord reveals to me, talking about the antecedent of Tinubu, the Lord can never choose him. Though the Lord loves him. He is a beloved, the Lord wants to use him but he failed God. If Tinubu can amend the Lord can still use him because we cannot predict God, Tinubu has dine and wine with those who are not in line with God but there is still going to be a riot in Tinubu’s camp, it now depends, if he moves to God and surrender everything to him, and desist from bad plan, Tinubu has an evil agenda, if he can forgo that agenda, God is ready to use him but if still has that in plan he will not be picked, the Lord has revealed many revelations to me concerning Tinubu. I released part and I kept part, many of those seeking for leadership posts will not see the light of the day. Many will be locked up, many will die, some calamities will happen to some certain set of people. There will still be famine.

Your father is from Modakeke and it was believed that they have charm, even Yoruba activist, Sunday Igboho boasts about it, many will think you also got your power from there?

Sunday Igboho cannot dare go into the market and challenge witches because he got his power from them. Sunday Igboho has no power. I went to some radio stations and I said there is no power in Yoruba land, and if they have power let them challenge me spiritually. There was a time I said many of the so-called Activists would be arrested, that was when they arrested Sunday Igboho. These Activists do not believe in Christ Jesus, they believe in black power. He said he can command a gun, that is not power because there are some certain sets of people who do it for him. I went to Modakeke Palace to deliver the message to them, when the former Oba was there. The Lord sent me there, the Lord said he wanted to kill many people and he is starting from the Palace. I delivered it to them, unfortunately the King said let the Lord kill whosoever he wants to kill. He never knew that the Lord would start from him. I went to the crusade in Modakeke town, we held a crusade and the Lord said I have appointed a new Oba, I declared and said, hearken to this voice, the Lord said I have given you a new Oba in this town, on the second day they brought him out and said he is still alive, before that month ran to an end he died. They invited me to come and swear that I didn’t kill him. I told them you cannot kill an elephant and remove the teeth and afterwards put it on the ground and ask me to swear. I said if an elephant is alive you will be able to remove the teeth, of course not. When you are now talking about Sunday Igboho, you only need to pray for him, if you want to kill him compare him to Christ Jesus, he is just a mere human being. Sunday Igboho is sent by God but he needs to bow down to Christ Jesus, don’t compare him with an anointed man of God even if it is little.

You have not mentioned your mother, tell your relationship with your mother since the calling?

As for my mother, I am not from Modakeke. I am from Jerusalem, Jesus is my creator but my canal parents are from Modakeke. My two parents are still alive.

How is your mother relating to you?

She used to call me the Prophet and a man of God.

What is the relationship between you and your mother?

We have a cordial relationship but not like before. We normally call. As regard to what you said, when the Lord gave me the power, he said I should not prostrate to anyone, it is not that the power will disappear if I do so, I am not myself again, Christ dwells in me, two things might happen if I prostrate to anyone, the person might die, secondly, the person will not prosper again because he or she has seen the glory of God, when I had such revelation I started avoiding my father then, he said he knew that there is no problem with that, when I wanted to marry, I didn’t prostrate to my in-laws. I stood tall, I told them the Lord said I should not prostrate to anyone. We have a cordial relationship.

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